Full Name (with title)
Address (with Postcode)
Emergency contact details (Name, Relationship and Telephone)
If yes please specify
Please provide any other relevant information
Type of membership
Payment by Cheque to: Hurst Bowling Club. Or via BACS: Account name: Hurst Bowling Club, Sort Code: 60-24-21, Account Number: 68552483, Ref: Your name.
Please tick the relevant box
By continuing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Membership of Hurst BC. New General Data Protection Regulations ((GDPR) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 which came into force on 25th May, 2018 requires you to consent to your personal details including your email address being held by the Club. Details will not be disclosed to any outside body. Please opt in/out if you do not agree to say we may add you to our membership list which is shared among members for the sole purpose of club activities.
Club playing activities you will be interested in participating
Club activities you would consider volunteering in
© Copyright Hurst Bowling Club