Hurst Village and Country Horse Fair (June 2011)

Posted by Hurst Bowling Club on Monday, July 4, 2011 Under: General

Hurst Village and Country Horse Fair

As part of our recruitment drive, and to generate interest in the sport of bowls, Ronnie organised a stall at the Hurst Village Country and Horse Fair.

Barbara and Ronnie, with husbands in tow, were up at the village fair ground at 8 am on Sunday. It was a lovely morning and the Fair committee members were welcoming and helpful.  We dispatched our husbands so that they could prepare for the afternoon match.

We were joined by Martin who was excellent at the coffee and bacon roll runs. He also rose to the challenge of selling two items at £1.00 and donating a peacock picture to a little boy who was smitten by its beauty.

In the afternoon we were joined by Jackie and Ronnie’s friend Pam.  We were able then to take it in turn to walk around and enjoy the other stalls, observing the ferret races, the toddlers and young children feeding chickens and brushing the Shetland ponies.

The Morris Dancers were magnificent in the midday heat.

In all we had a most enjoyable day and raised the princely sum of £82.00 for our club funds.

In : General 

Tags: fundraising 
