Benefactors (June 2009)

Posted by Hurst Bowling Club on Monday, July 4, 2011 Under: General


The Berkshire Community Foundation has been instrumental in linking us with philanthropic donors who are sympathetic to our aims and needs.

Thank you too to the Berkshire Community Foundation for sifting for sifting through our applications. We owe special thanks to the following benefactors:

·         Grassroots Grants

·         The Prudential

·         Comic Relief

We also acknowledge the time Microsoft took to paint our fences and sheds. Many thanks for sending us a lively group of young people who cheerfully spent a morning at this task.

Thanks to the Hurst Village and Country Fair for allowing us to attend and for your donation.

And thanks to Waitrose (Bracknell) Ltd. for your donation.

In : General 
